Sunday 6 February 2011

Major skins spoilers!

We have a couple of things to reveal firstly we forgot to post this but here is the running order of episodes...
1- Franky
2- Rich
3- Mini
4- Liv
5- Nick
6- Alo
7- Grace
8- Everyone
Hmm Matty doesn't have his own episode but he says in a interview about it...

"His position in the group is wildly ambiguous to begin with and still is, actually. It's still fairly up in the air, I'd say, even in the last episode of the series, but you do find out a lot more about him. I think series six will be where the mirror is turned on Matty and actually all the other characters."
So he will be a bigger part in the finale?
Also lots of people are saying that skins is not rebellious and risky and no nudity as it used to be... but fear not! We have heard that there's a sex scene coming and surprisingly it's Liv! 
Layla Lewis, who plays Liv says about her the sex scene and romance in the series...

"There's romance for all of them pretty much, apart from Alo! With some people there's real nice love, and then there's friends with benefits. Liv's very naughty though - she's promiscuous, she's dirty and she's a bit of a slag... What I love about it is if you went up to her and said, 'You're a bit of a sl*t', she'd be like, 'Yeah, I am'... There's a pretty saucy scene in Liv's episode. I'm never going to live that one down and I don't know how I'm going to watch it with my mum. Oh my God."

Looks like the series is gonna get better and better!
Keri x

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