Friday 25 February 2011

Episode 6 "Alo" decription!

By now, we all know what makes Alo tick - partying and the idea of getting laid, right? So it's not all that surprising that he gets a little fed up with his boring life on Creevey Farm. He heads to the city to 'indulge' his passions.
His parents (jeez, it's always the ruddy parents!), fed up with his behaviour, remove him from college in an attempt to force him to buckle down on the farm. But Alo rebels and hosts the party to end all parties.
The idea is to show his parents that he knows best, but something happens that makes Alo reassess things... ooo, the mystery!
 Mystery person...
 Alo, Grace and dog.
 Happy family
 Where is he going?
 Franky, Alo and Rich
 Matty and Liv
 Happy Mini for once.
 Aw happy couple

Looking forward to Thursday!
Jaz x

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