Friday 18 February 2011

Episode 5 detaillllssss!

Do you enjoy skins last night? We did!

So heres a description of what's going on next week's episode all about Nick!

Nick Levan – rugby captain, super-smart dresser, hot queen-bee girlfriend… on the surface he seems to have everything and to the untrained eye, he’s the star of Roundview.
Enter that pesky Matty – his reappearance has unsettled Nick and as he watches Matty slip effortlessly into new friendships, old wounds are re-opened. Nick realises that everything he thought he wanted - the approval of his father and the rugby success - is crushing him. Time to think again… but where will he turn? Mini? New mates? Old flames?

Sounds good!
Not only that, we have some preview pictures too!
 Ooh whats going on here then?
 Angry face.
 Weeel this is just wrong...
 The very disfunctional gang...
Looking forward to it!
Louise x

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