Saturday 5 February 2011

Episode 3 "Mini" Descriptons

Episode 3 and it’s the turn of Mini McGuinness. Mini is the Queen Bee at Roundview, right? But she’s feeling under threat when Grace brings her new bf Franky to the charity fashion show meeting. What to do, hmmmm? She ends up sacking them both, she hasn’t time for 'friends' like Grace.
Despite appearances, her relationship with Nick isn't the idyllic power partnership everyone might think it is. In short, Nick doesn't want to wait for sex. Mini struggles to keep control while Liv is typically reckless. How will Mini keep it all together? Will she manage to keep her spot at the top?

 Mini and Liv
 Liv and Rider
 Mini always the demanding one
 The wings... that's all

Looks interesting...
Jaz x

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