Thursday 1 November 2012

New character interviews!

Are you guys still here? Okay good.

First of all we are very sorry that we have been terrible with updating, we have been incredibly busy so this blog had to take a back seat. But FEAR NOT! We are back and with a new-ish look. Yay!


Lets get to know more about the 2 new characters, Jess (Played by Karla Crome) and Finn (played by Nathan McMullen)

Check back for more news on the next episodes later!
Keri x

Monday 6 August 2012

Misfits series 4 photos!

Anyone want some sneak peek look at misfits series 4? You okay.

Check out the new pictures from the online chat!

 New character Jess.
 New character Finn.
 Say hi to the new gang|!
 Yup, we have no idea either.

So that's all for now!
Keri x

Thursday 26 July 2012

Misfits spoilers!

Why hello there.
Are some of you may know, the creators of misfits did an online chat to reveal some things about series 4... so brace yourself because here are the key points!

Lauren Socha (AKA Kelly) will not be returning :( So Curtis is the only original left! 

There are 2 new characters joining probation- Finn and Jess who we will meet in episode 1, who are played by Nathan McMullen and Karla Crome.

There are 3 other characters, a new probation worker Greg, who has anger problems played by Shaun Dooley and Abby who the gang will meet later in the series, played by Natasha O'Keefe. And Alex who will be a key part of the series, played by Matt Stokoe.

Seth the power dealer is still in it.

Curtis will have a love interest.
Rudy may have a romance too.

Rudy and new boy Finn may form a bromance.

There won't be any Simon and Alisha talk, but there may be some in the future.

Families will be more involved this series.

There will be a new online episode.

Rumors that they may go Vegas again.

Keep checking as we will post some sneak peek photos of the new series!
Keri x

Wednesday 25 July 2012

Misfits Live Chat: RIGHT NOW!

So it's been a while....
Well we just popped to say hi and let all the misfit fans know that Creator Howard Overman, and Series 4 Producer Matt Strevens will be doing a live chat to talk about the series 4! 

So go and pop a question to them! 

We are sorry that we haven't been updating much because Skins is over until January and misfits is back in October time so our posts will be a little rare.

Oh and looking at the chat now we have found out that Lauren Socha (AKA Kelly) is or has left! :( 
Go check the chat out here:

That's all for now, thanks for sticking with us! 
Keri x 

Thursday 12 April 2012

Behind the scenes- Skins Finale!

Aw...Is it really the end?
This series has been average, not going to lie, it wasn't as good as the first and second generations but it was still awesome! Only one more series left until the end of skins! Booo :(

Check out behind the scenes footage from the finale!

Well that's pretty much it from us until september time when E20 and misfits gossip comes around, thank you very much for all the support, we can't believe we have so many views in such a short time (Well its big for us that's all that matters)
We always welcome new bloggers so if you want to apply please email us at ""

Thank you again amigos!
AND all the other bloggers- Carmaa, Sian and Louise!

Don't worry we won't be gone for long! We are working on a new site dedicated to "The Cut" series 4 scripts, so keep your eyes peeled for that!

Sunday 25 March 2012

Sneak peeks at skins finale!

Aw, its sad that tomorow will be the end of another skins generation... and possibly the final one due to one more series in January 2013 but then its bye forever.... booooooo.

But fear not! We're going to make the most of this! Picture time!

Lovely Alo.
 Charming Alex.

Cannot. Contain. Excitment.
Keri x

Behind the scenes- Episode 9!

'Ello there! Check out Behind the scenes of episode 9.... only 1 more to go! Boo :(

Keri x

Friday 16 March 2012

Sneak peek pictures of episode 9!

We're nearing the close of skins series 6 (boo) but fear not! We have some pictures and clips to wet your appetite!

Nice weather eh?
 Aw, Cheer up!
 Minky ftw.

And now for a clip.

Dr thang! Hahahahaa
Keri x

Behind the scenes- Episode 8!

It's all about Liv in this behind the scenes clip, check it out!

Keep hanging around for some sneak peeks at episode 9 later!
Keri x

Friday 9 March 2012

Episode 8 picture time.

Eugh only 2 more episodes left? Craaaazy.

Check out some pictures from Liv's episode!

Paying respects.

 Free hugs....anyone?

Monday. Monday. Monday.

Wednesday 7 March 2012

Skins future?!

Okay before we start we all have to apologise for not updating in the past week, and not posting any sneak peeks, we feel super bad, a lot of exams and work has been put on us and we only have 3 bloggers left (Keri, Louise and Sian) due to others being to busy to carry on working on this blog...we still love them though!

So if you want to be a nice helping hand and like Skins or Misfits please send us a email to "" it would be a massive help!


Here is the behind the scenes video of episode 7 (Over halfway through the series already? Wah!)

Not only that, skins has released a rather cryptic statement saying that skins will be returning in 2013 but it may be the last one! BOOOO :(

Here is the statement:
"Have no fear Skins will return to E4 in 2013 for one last tear up but the who, the where and the what is still T.B.C. Excited? We most definitely are!"

Hmm is this meaning a little reunion?! WE HOPE SO!
As much as we love having new characters that keep it fresh, this generation hasn't lived up to skins in my eyes, 1 will always be the best.

We will defo keep you posted on this!
Keri and Sian x

Sunday 26 February 2012

Episode 6 pictures

Check out these new pictures of episode 6, all about the wonderful Nick, who, after every episode is turning into our favorite character!
 Alex and Nick.


Behind the scenes episode 5!

Behind the scenes of Mini's episode,
You know you want to.


Monday 20 February 2012

Episode 5 pictures

It's all about Mini tonight! And this one looks like a good'un.

The gang.
 Nice view.
 Oh hello, what's going on here?

10pm E4 People.

Behind the scenes- Episode 4!

Want to know how they made Franky's um violent episode? Check out below!

Episode 5 pictures will be up soon!
Keri x

Monday 13 February 2012

Episode 4 pictures!

Toniiiiggghhttt, he's back!

Check out these brand new photos of episode 4 of skins, It Franky badass episode!

Badass Boy and Badass girl.

Nick and Franky eh?

And because we're so nice, here's a sneak peek clip, a more funny clip rather than the er violent ones.

This clip and the past episodes have really got us loving Nick aww,
Louise x

Saturday 11 February 2012

Behind the scenes-episode 3!

Want to know all about last weeks episode of skins?

Well watch below!

Check back tomorow for some sneak peek photos!
Louise x

Saturday 4 February 2012

And another!

I know, we're so generous

A bunch of sneak peek clips!

Check out these new clips of episode 3, showing the new character Alex!

Looks like a good'un! Check out the new post for another!
Keri x

Wednesday 1 February 2012

Episode 3 preview!

Check out this new clip of the new character Alex!

Who else is in love with the gran?!

Tuesday 31 January 2012

Skins shocker! And anyone want to be a blogger?

Sorry that we really haven't been up to date on this, there are only 3 of us left and we are all really busy, so if you want to be a skins bloggers email us at:

Anyway, who saw episode 2? Shocking right?! Didn't see that happening! A death in the second episode, I was in tears.

Just for you with have a behind the scenes video...
Warning, if you haven't seen episode 2 I SUGGEST YOU GO NOW! Major spoilers ahead!

And lets take a look at episode 3, based on the new character Alex!

The new kid.
 Alex and his gran?


Keri x

Friday 27 January 2012

Sneak peek pictures of episode 2!

There may not be many but hey who cares!
Check out these faboosh pictures of episode 2!

 Alo and Rich rocking out.

Louise x

Behind the scenes- SKINS!

Check out how they made the episode 1 of skins series 6 in Morocco!

Cant wait for the next episode!
Louise x

Saturday 14 January 2012

Another sneak peek!

Aren't you lucky!

Keri x

Episode 1 Sneak Peeks!

You can watch the new skins series a week early! On 4oD!

But for now, check out the newly realsed clips

That's all! Check out the next post for another!

Friday 13 January 2012

Want to watch new skins this Monday?!


Well you can!

E4 Have offically said that the new series of skins will be availble on 4oD THIS MONDAY! 
Thats a whole week before its on telly, who awesome is that?

If you can't then you can watch on the 23rd at 10pm on E4
Keri x

Wednesday 11 January 2012

New character description!

Check out the newly released description of the brand new character Alex! Check out the info below!

"Alex is at first very mysterious - I think he comes across as quite elusive and you're not really sure what he's all about. He's very charismatic and confident in himself and is very flirty; he flirts with both genders, and doesn't care. He comes into the series at a point where the gang are a bit down, they're very unhappy and he finds it difficult to make friends with them. They don't really like accepting someone new but he manages to befriend Liv who takes a shine to him and you see their friendship develop. Eventually he gets into the gang, bringing them some much needed excitement and energy.
I'm the new boy so meeting the gang at first was a bit nerve-racking. I felt a lot of pressure joining because I watched the last series, so seeing all the guys on screen and then meeting them and actually joining them, then working with them was a bit scary. But the guys are brilliant and have really looked after me."

That's all folks.

Tuesday 10 January 2012

Episode 1 pictures!

Check out the sneak peek pictures of skins series 6 EPISODE 1!

Rich and Grace

Louise x

Saturday 7 January 2012


Check out the list of what order the character episodes are :)



EPISODE 3: ALEX (New character)









Matty is the only character not to have a featured episode this series

Peace out.

3 mini-skins episodes coming this MONDAY!

In preparation for the new series of skins, e4 have announced they will be releasing 3 online mini episodes...

Check of the E4 website at 3pm to watch the first mini episode!

Short but sweet.
Keri x

Thursday 5 January 2012

Skins cast interview!

Check out the new interview with the skins cast about the new series!

Keri x

Check out the new skins titles!

We are verrrryyy close to the 6th series of Skins and they have recently released the titles! Hm we're not sure we like as much as last series but hey! It stills works!

Check it out below!

Oh aren't you lucky!
Keri x

Monday 2 January 2012



Check out the newly realised trailer for skins-series 6!

It looks soooo good!
The 23rd people!
Sian x