Thursday 1 November 2012

New character interviews!

Are you guys still here? Okay good.

First of all we are very sorry that we have been terrible with updating, we have been incredibly busy so this blog had to take a back seat. But FEAR NOT! We are back and with a new-ish look. Yay!


Lets get to know more about the 2 new characters, Jess (Played by Karla Crome) and Finn (played by Nathan McMullen)

Check back for more news on the next episodes later!
Keri x


  1. Keri, please can you respond to my email and put the episode of The Cut that I sent you on the website (the second version, I had to edit a bit after I sent it the first time). Also, please can you respond to my emails more promptly? I'm hearing from you very rarely now, and it makes things very difficult. If I could have your number, it would be easier.

    Sorry to bug you on a public blog, but it's a last resort because you're not responding to my emails. I need your help urgently.

  2. Keri, please can you respond to my emails?
