Wednesday 11 January 2012

New character description!

Check out the newly released description of the brand new character Alex! Check out the info below!

"Alex is at first very mysterious - I think he comes across as quite elusive and you're not really sure what he's all about. He's very charismatic and confident in himself and is very flirty; he flirts with both genders, and doesn't care. He comes into the series at a point where the gang are a bit down, they're very unhappy and he finds it difficult to make friends with them. They don't really like accepting someone new but he manages to befriend Liv who takes a shine to him and you see their friendship develop. Eventually he gets into the gang, bringing them some much needed excitement and energy.
I'm the new boy so meeting the gang at first was a bit nerve-racking. I felt a lot of pressure joining because I watched the last series, so seeing all the guys on screen and then meeting them and actually joining them, then working with them was a bit scary. But the guys are brilliant and have really looked after me."

That's all folks.

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