Saturday 22 October 2011

Misfits US?!

As you know Misfits is a HUGEE hit in the UK but did you know its also popular in the states? 
And now what we've heard is that the US are making their OWN version.

And I know what you're thinking
First with Skins and now this?
I don't know if this will do well in the states, I mean Skins UK was good but when the US try to remake it, it turns sour. And it was cancelled after one series!
But some remakes do work, take Shameless for example has been well made (And we like it!) and is even having a 2nd series.

Josh Schwartz otherwise known as the gossip girl creator has got the rights to the show, and we belive that this is most probably going to happen, but fear not Howard Overman (Head writer of misfits) will help with writing the episodes for a US audience. 

So what do you think? Will it work stateside?
Louise x

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