Wednesday 13 July 2011

Help write series 4 of the cut!

You're probably wondering a number of things....

1) I thought the cut got cancelled?
3) Have the writers ran out of ideas?
4) Why hasn't the cut team told us?
5) Yaaay!
Well most of those things (apart from 3 I guess) are true... Yes the cut is still cancelled but there are loads of cutlets wanting to keep the cut alive (6586 to be exact) That's why a group of the top cut fans have created a page for cut fans to say what they think should happen in series 4.

Sadly this won't be aired or filmed, but it will be written by the cutlets! You can have your say ob new characters and what would happen after that shocking finale....

Us at SoYeah think EVERY CUTLET must join this group to have your say on series 4....

Check out the link below! 

Stay cool cutlets...
Keri xx

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