Wednesday 26 January 2011

Do you wanna write for skins series 6?

YESSS? well now you can with the new competition!

The details:
You must be 16 - 22 years old on day of submission. We would like you to write us a short comedy-drama which is:
• Maximum 2000 words
• Minimum 3 characters
• Maximum 5 locations (where your action is set)
• You should write the scripts using the demo program of 'Final Draft' (an industry standard script writing program).You can download it from the E4 website (Link below)

Here are a few things to remember:
Read up on how to structure and present your script as this is very important - there are loads of free Internet guides and books out there. Download TV & film scripts too. Read as many as you can; they will really help you out.
Write a story you think needs telling - you can always tell when people care about what they are writing.
Try to think and write visually. When writing for the screen, what we see is more important than what we hear.
Get your friends to read it and ask them to give you constructive criticism.
Write more than one draft; you need to be able to look at your writing critically. When you have finished your first draft, leave it alone for a couple of days and then come back to it. Chances are you will find things that you want to change.
Do not use any Skins characters in your script!

The process:
Every script that meets the entrance criteria will be read by Company Pictures appointed script readers. They will then judge these scripts by the following criteria:
• Comedy
• Story
• Character
• Pacing
• Originality
They will narrow the entries down to 50 scripts. These will be read by the Skins script department and whittled down to a short-list of five, using the same judging criteria.
These five entrants will then be interviewed over the phone, by Company Pictures with a Channel 4 member of staff present. Each will be asked the same questions. These questions will be agreed between Channel 4 and Company Pictures.
Based on the conversation and the criteria above Company Pictures will pick the winner with a member of Channel 4's Drama Department.
The winner will be contacted by phone and will have 7 days to accept the prize or an alternative winner may be chosen.

For more info and to enter click below!

Jaz xx

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