Saturday 26 March 2011

Oh what to do?

As lots of you may know....

Misfits is over but returning October/November time
The Cut is over and we have no idea if its ever gonna come back (But it might be going on DVD)
Skins UK and US are over too, Skins UK returning January and US is still up in the air

So what to blog about now?
Well we will be talking more about the actors in the shows (E.g Robert Sheehan in Killing Bono) 

And we might be adding more shows to blog about as some of you asked about us blogging about 90210 and Eastenders E20 but we will tell if we do or not....

Don't forget you can chat on our little chat box and we'll try and answer all your questions...

Oh, and thank you so much for supporting us and helping us get 6000 hits

We loves you all.
Keri, Carmaa, Jaz, Louise, Sian and Carol

Tuesday 22 March 2011

Skins US Episode 10 WATCH IT HERE!

Eura/ Everyone episode the series finalie of Skins US...

Well this show has its ups and downs, and we're still not sure if it's coming back for a 2nd series, but we'll keep you posted!
Jaz and Louise x

:( *Sigh* Behind the scenes: Episode 8!

Check out how they made episode 8 :( The last of the series!

Awww Well, until next year, bye generation 3!
Louise and Jaz x

Saturday 19 March 2011

Episode 8 Music

Heres the tracklist for the finalie!

Louise x

Wednesday 16 March 2011

Wanna chat to Sean Teale (AKA Nick) ??


Go on the E4 website tomorow- 17th March at 7pm
Sean Teale aka Nick Levan and Skins writers Dan Lovett (he wrote Alo's ep) and Geoff Bussetil (who wrote Nick's episode) are gonna be on chat so you can ask any questionnnsss!

We're there!
Jaz x


Check out some sneak peek pictures of the finale!

Thee party
 Err Liv kissing Franky?!
 Thee girlss
 Why so glum?
 Matty and Liv
 Mini and Franky= Minky

Jaz x

Monday 14 March 2011

Episode 7 Music!

Heeererees the tracklist to episode 7!

Saturday 12 March 2011

Episode 8 clips!

Thee end is nighh...

Check out thesee lovely clips

Annnd another! Don't really know what to say about this onee... but SHITS GOING DOWN!

Thursday Thursday Thursday Thursday!
Louise x

Friday 11 March 2011

Behind the scenes: Episode 7!

Check out how they made episode 7 all about the costumes and doing a scene in a scene!

Chow for now!
Louise x

Wednesday 9 March 2011

Episode 6 music!

Here the tracklist for episode 6!

Blitzen Trapper - Furr
Louise x

Episode 7 clips

What is up with Matty and Liv? Check it out here

Anddd, check out Rich DRUNK!

Tomorow people!
Louise x

Tuesday 8 March 2011

Skins US Episode 8 "Daisy" WATCH IT HERE!

Herreeeeee it iss as always, episode 8 of skins US all about Daisy!

Any problems with the video please let us know 
Jaz x

Sunday 6 March 2011

Episode 7 clip...

Annddd heres another clip you lucky things! Showing the girls having a little chat but Liv has other ideas...

Louise x

Episode 7 clip

Here is a clip of episode 7 showing the gangs (well Mini's) interesting acting skills....

I'm loving this series!
Louise x

Saturday 5 March 2011

Episode 7- Grace

You know Grace by now - she's always believed in fairytales and happy endings. If only real life measured up to her Disney-spattered imagination. Miss Violet is forced to face reality when Rich meets her father, who instantly disapproves.
He disapproves so much, in fact, that he threatens to send her back to Mayberry's College for Young Ladies Grace has to pass her drama exam to prove him wrong, but with her relationship in turmoil and the whole gang at odds in her production of Twelfth Night, it's not looking likely.
Will she manage to force the gang to get their 'acts' together and give the production she needs?


 Grace in the wings
 Rich hiding?
 Grace Stagefront
 Franky and Liv
 The er, wonderful cast

This looks amazinnggg!
Louise x

Behind the scenes: Episode 6!

Here is how they made the AMAZING ep with Tractors, cows and condoms!

Louise x

Thursday 3 March 2011

Episode 6 clips and pictures

Ready for tonight here is a clip showing Prof Blood talking to Alo's parents... ah.

Annnddd some preview pictures too!
Matty, Franky and Liv
Um Aw?
 Flour fight!
 The gang...
 Rich and Grace

10pm people!
Jaz x

Tuesday 1 March 2011

Skins US episode 7 link!

Sadly we couldn't find a video that we could post on this site BUT here is a link to the episode (really good quality aswell)

PutLocker -

Hope it works!
Louise x

Episode 6 clip!

Here is a sneak peek clip which shows Alo planning his birthday party.... kinda.

Jaz x